You need this course if:

  • You want to be more confident of who you are as a man

  • You are dissatisfied with the quality and quantity of sex you have

  • You want to date hotter girls

  • You feel shy and you are afraid to manifest your sexuality

  • You feel stuck and you are looking for an inspiraion

Start changing today!

Choose Pricing Plan:

  • Trial Course

    Watch the first module of the main course FOR FREE to see if it's worth the price.


    Try now
  • Male Sexuality Course

    Learn how to reconnect with your true desires and manifest them to the world.


    Buy Now

Why I created this course

Nowadays there's so much bullshit related to male sexuality that it's really hard to find anything other than studies on "toxic masculinity" and some pickup courses where people teach you how to do things their way. But what about your own way? How do you reconect with the true "you"? How do you tell apart your own desires from those created by someone else? Well, after so many years of trying to find the answer to these questions, I finally got the solution. I'm happy to share it with you.

Max Magnus